Saturday 1 November 2014

The Kill

The Kill.

When one does speak of the Kill, one is in many a way too, not speaking in all again, and of Death that is. For Death, is often said a Transformational experience and one in all, one might very wish to experience, and as it does in all even speak and of just whom or who in all again, one is, and with Restriction and Inhibitions too, but that in all ways even, it does speak and of one and as said having a difficulty in all, and in 'simply letting go', and of many a thing for instance, and inorder to have life in all perhaps, truly open one up, and to many a differing experience that is [and as with they even believed said, life's experiences that is, truly infinite their ways actually].

The Kill on the otherhand, does in all even speak and of just whom or who in all, we are, and when one does speak of Awakenings, Expectations and even Wishful thinking. That the Kill, does in all even now, speak and of society and life in all, and as truly defined and in speak of Survival in itself that is. That the Kill, does now speak and of life today, and as said going along in all truly, and with speak of Public life too, such that, Public life today (and as versus that said truly Private for instance), is in all ways even said defined truly, and by the Kill, and not by Death in itself either that is.

In all, speak and of Survival and as speaking of the Kill, and as said even truly defining life and if not Public life in itself, and today that is, does speak even and of the glorifying of many a Public figure for instance, and as said exempt in all, and from the Kill too perhaps, or speak in all again, and of our defining ourselves and in speak of Awakenings, Expectations and Wishful thinking too, and in our defining  Contamination, Pollution and Defilement that is, or speak in all again perhaps, and as in telling one that, the defining of Public life, and as said even, the primary way/manner of existence, and as versus speak of the Private (and which was common in Traditional Africa too), is said rather difficult and if not troubling in its ways, and has historically in all, been often said associated truly, and with speak of 'the Dead' that is [or speak even and of those, believed to have suffered in one manner or another, and for us all actually].