Friday 7 November 2014

African Semiotics

African Semiotics.

This entry, can be said to do, and with speak and of what does constitute and for said African Inferiority that is. That Africa in all, is often basically presented, and as said lagging or truly backward too, and as with it all even often said, and to speak of African History, and as presented and from speak of African Heritages, African Artifacts and even speak of African societies that is [and as with they all even basically perceived and in speak of African Religion and as said Vodoun too, and as perceived in all, and as said inferior to all other Religions on Earth that is].

In all though, in speaking of African Semiotics, or speak too, and of African perceptions/beliefs of Survival in itself, and as Said Evolutionary too, and as going along in all, and with speak of Modernity in itself (and further speak here even and of the term Supremacy in itself that is), one cannot then help but ponder in all, what does constitute for African Semiotics, and in speak of African races, African genes and even African blood too that is.

That speak of the African races, does in all even speak of associating them in all, and with speak of Slavery and Colonialism too, but that in all again, speak too, and of the African races, and as said consisting in all, and of the Hebrews/Nazarites/'Scholar' that is, and further speak too and of the so termed hidden/secret Bloodline of Jesus for instance [and of the Freemasons Rite too that is].

In speaking though, and of African genes, is to in all even perhaps, associate it all and in certain circles too, and with speak of African Sexuality in all, but speak truly in all again, and of African Humour and Sensuality that is, but that in all ways even, the viewing of Africans interestingly enough and from this perspective, speaking in all even and Historically too, and of what some could term African Dominance that is [and as in perhaps telling one here that, this manner of looking at Africans, is often deemed controversial, and in speak too and of what does constitute for African Wealth, and as with it not only said Templar for instance, but further speak here in all again and of the greatest of Friendships that is, but that in all ways even, the telling here perhaps, that, Names and such as Robert, Philip or even Gregory too, and as found/seen outside Africa in all, do in all even speak of African genes, and the History of 'Africans' outside Africa too that is; meaning in all that, such folks, don't in all readily Identify with Africa that is, and are often termed Moor or Ethiope for instance].

In speaking though of African blood, is to in all ways even now associate Africans that is, and with Egyptian Civilization in itself too, and further speak too and of Africans and as said differing in Intelligence in all, but with they all even perceived to be of 'one blood' that is, and 'one blood' too, and that does speak even and of the African Poet that is.