Monday 24 November 2014

African Symbolism

African Symbolism.

To speak of Symbolism in all, and from an African Context, is to in all ways even speak of Direction in itself, and Trajectories too that is. Direction here in all, and in speak too of appropriate Behaviour for instance (and not Presentation truly either), and in furtherly stating here in all that, it is believed that Africa today, does have a big or huge problem in all, and in defining itself, and in speak of (Modern) Symbolism, and as with it/they in all even, not only associated with Presentation, and not speak either of Behaviour in itself that is. In all again though, African Symbolism in all, and as with regards to this Blog too for instance, now said Psychic in its ways, and in truly influencing Behaviour in itself that is, and in an Africa too, where Modern Symbolism in all is said not truly respected (and in speak of Internationalism for instance), and that said Traditional, very much ignored that is.

In all perhaps, a manner or way of thinking of life, and that does speak even and of it all as coming to an end (and in Trajectory or 'Evolution' too), and with certain said Behaviour in all, attained that is.