Friday 31 October 2014

African Time

African Time.

What in all can be said to stand for or represent for truly, African Time that is? It in all again, does speak even and of simply viewing Africans in all, and from a Historical and Evolutionary perspective. That in all again, Africans today, must be willing in all and to truly seriously ponder, just whom or who in all again, they are, and with History, and very much from a Behavioural perspective too that is.

In understanding all this better, is to first off mention that, the Modern/Western Times and World in all, are in all again defined by what some do term Modern Time, and as with it a way or manner of keeping Time, and that is somewhat problematic to most Africans, and as with regards and to the Behavioural that is. That in all, Modern Time and as with regards to speak of the Behavioural and Behaviour in itself, is primarily in all even, said truly associated and with speak of Ambition in itself too, but with Ambition too said in all and to refer and to speak of Deficits for instance [and speak even and of Scheduling in itself too for instance, and not Planning either], but that in all ways even, and in speak of History too, societies today and as operating in all, and as based on or around Modern Time that is, do in all even find themselves, organized, and in a manner and that does speak even and of the Bell Curve too that is [Link].

Traditionally though, differing manners or ways of keeping Time, have always existed, and when perceived here in all, and in speak of Behaviour and the Behavioural too that is. That the most ancient of these, does speak even and of Time and Behaviour in all, and as perceived in all even, and in speak of Song, Ritual, Art/Poetry, Harvest, Festival etc., and a manner of keeping Time too that is, that has in all truly been interrupted, and by speak of Modern Materiality, culture and even Modern Technology in itself too that is [and with the fine example here, and of so termed Electronic Music, or Music very much electronic in its ways that is, and which in sound and memory, does strongly differ in all even, and from so termed Traditional Music too that is].

What of speak of viewing Time, and from the very perspective of Evil (and as with it even said Unnecessary too)? Something not too outlandish, and as it can in all be truly associated, and with speak of Anthropology in itself, but that in all ways even, does speak in all even and of Spatial Realities, and as perceived even and from speak of Perimeters (Geometry) and Vicinities too, in that, it does in all even associate Time and with Prayer for instance, but that in all ways even and in attempting to keep something not too easy to explain directly, speak in all even, and of the very History of Freemasonry in itself that is.

In all though, the above methods or ways in all perhaps, and of keeping Time, are said in all difficult to perceive and in a Historical fashion or sense that is, and as with they even speaking of truly discerning in all, just whom or who in all again, we are, and with the Behavioural/Behaviour that is, but that in all again, and in order for many an African to truly understand their very selves/Selfs today, their environs, the World we live in, or speak even and of what the Future does hold or embody, is to in all ways even ask many an African, and to simply learn in all, just how best to define themselves (and in a Behavioural sense too that is), and in speak of Durations/Duration that is [and not Periods either].