Saturday 15 November 2014

Baptismal Rites

Baptismal Rites.

This entry in all, will very much speak on, and on the very History, and of the rise and birth and of Christianity in Africa (and outside speak of Egypt or Ethiopia too). That in all, Christianity in Africa, is truly said to rise, and in speak specifically, and of the Rite of Baptism (or the Baptismal truly too that is). 

That the importance of Baptism (or the Baptismal truly), and in Africa, does in all even go along in all, and with speak of simply defining what Experiences we do seek out or want out of life in all, and in speak of an Africa, and whose Life Experiences in all again, are believed said limited or defined truly in all, and in speak only of Family Ancestry that is.

In all, the Baptismal, and in Africa too, now said to very much arise in all, and in helping many an African redefine just whom or who in all again, they very much are, and with speak even of Family Lineage, and as said in all even, and to speak of the known Yoruba term 'Ori' that is.

That for most Africans today, life and as believed Ideal, taking in all, South African Dimensions, and in speak of South Africa's Western Rituals, Rites and Routines in themselves that is. The living of life though, and in Africa, and as truly associated and with speak of Routines, has never been common and in speak too of Egyptian History too in all, but that in all ways even and in South Africa too, it does in all even speak of Apartheid and Black Nationalism that is.

In speaking of 'Ori' though, is to first in all even associate it and with the term Conscience, but that in all ways even, African History, now believed said to go along in all and with speak of condemning Africans and as versus speak of Egyptians too that is, and as most Africans in all, do fail to realize that the Egyptians of old in all perhaps, did very much have a Conscience/'Ori', and that was very much African, but now said becoming truly Egyptian that is [and the false belief that, Egyptians don't understand African problems, and are very much like those in the Middle East in all]. In speaking though and of Africans today and as said troubled by their pasts or History in all again, and in speak for instance and of the popular saying in all 'which way best for Africa', is to in all even now associate African History, and not with speak of Ancestors or the Ancestral, but in all ways even, and with speak of 'the spirits of the Dead' / 'the Dead', and as with it all even now, speaking of Africa today, and as said in all even Muslim, 'Popular Christianity' and Traditional African Religions too, and in speak of 'Ori' that is, and with Muslim Africa, very much looking down on Traditional African Religions, and in speak of 'the spirits of the Dead' and the believed decline of African Religions, and with Popular Christianity in Africa, now said to speak of 'Ori', and from the very perspective of a Common Identity, and as with it in all even speaking of the African Religious Service that is [and with African Muslims in many a way, believing themselves to have a more powerful 'Ori', and in speak of Muslim Religious/Prayer Rituals that is].

The rise though and of an African Christianity, does in all even have to do, and with speak of redefining 'Ori' in all, and a way from speak even of Lineages that is. That African Christianity, and alongside speak even of Coptic Egyptian Christianity, does in all believe that, 'Ori' in all, is something said rather complex in its ways, and as with it in all even speaking now and of the attempt to truly in all again define in all, what does stand for or truly represent for in all, the African Experience, and as said Genuine or Authentic too that is. That in all, the very best manner to explain this, would be to view the African Experience in all perhaps, and in speak of Lenses, and speak too of Photography that is [and further speak in all even, and of the authentication of Slavery and Colonialism, and in Africa too, and as very much in all believed a legitimate African Experience, and in speak of life and as viewed from speak of Lenses that is][what is been said here is that, Slavery and Colonialism and as said having transpired in all, and from the very perspective of speak in all again of Lenses, does speak of African History now, and as very much said having been real, and along the lines of speak of Conquistador Myth that is][Link].

In helping one define 'Ori' and from the very perspective of speak of Lenses, and the African Experience too, is to now in all even associate the Baptismal, and with the following:

1. Sex, Love & Intimacy
2. Thirst/Passions
3. Wonder
4. Gesture
5. Diligence

In all, the above manners and of defining 'Ori', and as now helping steer many an African, and away from the 'World at large' in all, and in the attempt in defining societies, and in Africa too, and that do in all even speak of Simple Humour for instance.

In many a way though, and in helping truly introduce to one, what Baptism in all, is truly all about, and in speak too of African Identity in all again, is to in all even associate it, and with what they do term Themes, and with speak even and of what some do term Black Christianity perhaps, and as speaking of 'Black African' Identity in all, speaking in all again and of Pardon, and as very much said a Theme of life that is. In speaking though and of African Christianity and as said African and Egyptian too, Indolence, and as very much said a Theme in all, said to speak in all and of African Christianity and Baptism, while Egyptian Christianity in all again, does very much concentrate on Judgment issues/matters that is.

In the attempt to finalize all this, the attempt here and in defining African Christianity, and from the very perspective of Baptism too, does in all even speak of it all and as perceived from a Geographical perspective, and in speak of Africa in itself, Egypt and India too.

That in speaking of Africa, speak now in all, and of the very Act of Sex in itself that is, and as going along with the African Experience, and as now in all, very much speaking of African society and as said perceiving Sex/Sexuality, and from speak of 'Possessive states' too, and such that, Sex/Sexuality is in all not perceived, and from a Societal perspective either perhaps (and in speak of Responsibility too for instance), but that in all ways even, it does speak in all, and of an African obsession perhaps, and of finding a single Source in all, and by which they/one can very much depend/survive on that is [and further speak even and of the attractivity of Christianity in Africa, and as versus speak in all even, of Polytheistic African Religions that is].

In speaking of India and as versus Africa, speak now of Religion/Spirituality in India and Africa, and as very much dealing with many a Time issue/matter in all, and that does speak even of African Religion and as compared/paralleled to that said Indian in all, does speak in all again and of Time Differentials that is, in that, both Religion in all, do aspire to put a Time limit to their problems in all again, and in speak too of the Instant that is [and further speak even, and of the ability in all and to look/see into the Future that is].

Finally, speak in all, and of African Christianity and as versus speak of Egypt in all again, and speak in all here perhaps, and of Egyptian Religion, said even believed in all (and truthfully so), far more advanced truly, and in defining the Psychic, and basic speak even and of the ability to track African Trajectories and as with regards to speak of History/the Future that is [and in speak here too, and of countering Technology that is], speak in all even and of Imagination (and as historically believed everything, and not Intelligence in itself truly either), or speak in all again and of the Body and as said capable of not only experiencing all forms, sorts or kinds of emotion in all, and that can be classified under speak of Bliss, Ecstasy or Divine Love too, but speak in all again, and of the Body and as defined under speak of Body Consciousness, and a belief in possessing total Awareness, in that, Teleportation, is now very much even believed here in all, Historical Egyptian Political Theory that is.