Saturday 1 November 2014

Primitive Religions

Primitive Religions.

When one does refer, and to speak of Primitive Religions, one in many a way is often faced with feelings of amusement, laughter, mockery, seriousness, puzzlement etc. In all, Primitive Religions, do it is believed, deal in all, and with one simple term that is: Doubt.

“Humanity takes itself too seriously. It is the world's original sin. If the cave-man had known how to laugh, History would have been different.” 

 ― Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray

The reason though and why Primitive Religions, and as versus those said Theistic for instance, are believed said to be of importance, is because, they are truly believed in all even, to have played a Fundamental role, and in the rise of Civilization just about everywhere. For it is via Primitive Religion, and not that said Theistic either, that Humans in all, are now even said separate from other 'Animals', in that, Humans in all now, and via speak of Primitive Religions too, do in all even develop, the so called Medical Tradition for instance.

While Theistic Religion might be said and to deal with speak of the said and unknown to many too perhaps, existence of God (and as believed said realized for instance, and in speak of Mysticism too), Primitive Religion has been known and to focus in all, and in speak of Dogma in itself that is. For it is via Primitive Religion, and by which Europe for instance is born by, and as Europe in all, does tend to differ from many a place in the World, and as European History too, is believed said to truly evolve and via speak of Primitive Religion that is [Link].

In all, and in helping one understand Dogma, and as said Human too, and as precipitating in all, the very rise of the Medical Tradition, is to perhaps present differing 'kinds'/'systems' in all, and of Primitive Religion, and which in all were believed said instrumental, and in the rise of Egyptian Civilization that is.

The first of these does speak in all, and of African Crosses (and with the most famous of these said the Ankh too perhaps), but that speak of African Crosses in Egypt in all, does in all even speak of one and as said truly Innocent in their ways that is in that, Religion now and as associated with African Crosses in Egypt, does see one engage in practises in all, and that do call for the inducing of Dream States, and such that, one is in all said an endless Dreamer, and as with regards to speak of what could be (and in speak of this very moment too), and such that, Europe in all, is believed said born even, and in speak of Celtic Crosses too, and in the attempt to in all create a worthy moment, experience or occasion too perhaps, and at any given place too, and such that, European History is now said even to truly evolve primarily, and in speak of Friendships that is [Link].

The second of these Primitive Religions, and as now even said Greek (but not truly Cretan), does in all even go along and with speak of (Archaeological) Bowls for instance, but that in all ways even, Primitive Religion too, complicated to understand, and as it does in all even now speak, and of the said Magical 'properties' in all, and of Water that is.

The third of these, now does find or see, Humans in Egypt in all, congregating in many a room, and in Egypt too, and to simply learn how to Chant, Evoke or Invoke many a said ancient Memory for instance, but that in all ways even, it did at the very least give birth to the Cult of Amun, and the chanting of 'Oriki' for instance and as associated with Obelisks too, but Religion too, and that does now find its ways and into Italy, and in many a way in all, does see to it the very rise too perhaps and of the Vatican, and as said an Independent Structure from the rest of Italy, and in an Italy now said truly filled with many a Seducer/Magician, and as said simply out to kill that is [Link].

The fourth of these though, Primitive Religion that is, is believed said truly African [and from an Egyptian Context that is]. It in all, is believed said Primitive Religion and that does speak of Fire and Fire Rituals too, but that in all ways even, it in all is said to speak of what some do term Altered States of Consciousness, and as with it in all even said to speak and of just whom or who in all, we are, and with Awe, Surprise, Amazement, Shock etc. In all, in helping one understand Primitive Religion and as often associated with Fire, is to in all ways even speak of the Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings by Tolkien that is [Link].

The reason though, why all this is believed important and for those in Africa is that, it first in all does even refer and to what some do term an Universal Consciousness, but that as said simply above, Primitive Religion has been Instrumental in all, and in the rise of Civilization, and in speak for instance and of the invention in all, and of Gunpowder too, and which in all even is 'invented', and in Cretan Greece, and not China either [and with Crete in all, or speak too of the Greek Isles, very much even said home and to Religion, and in the form of Dogma that is].