Monday 17 November 2014

The African Market

The African Market.

This entry, will attempt in all, and to speak perhaps, and on how, many an African culture in the past, has truly attempted too define themselves, and n speak of Somasis, and the African Psyche too that is. That in all, Africa, can truly be said to be more or less simple in its ways/manners, and if and only if, it can be fathomed in all that, African life, has always been grounded in all again, and in speak of the African Marketplace that is [that in all again perhaps, African life and in speak too of its very Depths, does in all even speak of attempting to understand or know in all, just what in all again, does the African Unconscious in all, truly embody that is].

The African Marketplace in all though, is a place of far more interest in all, and than most would believe it to be. For it is in all the very place, and not only from which a likeable truly, African Somasis and Psyche, does in all arise even, but in speak of Egyptian History and as said African too, does speak in all and of the Egyptian Marketplace, and as having served an inspiration in all for instance, and for the known Tale of Aladdin that is [and as in attempting to show/tell one, just how in all, many an African society, does in all evolve, and in speak too of the African Marketplace that is].

In all, a lot of talk today, and as having to do and with speak of African Economies or even African Lifestyles and Modern Religions in all, does in all even fail to take a Psychological profiling, and in speak of Africa's problems, and in all ways even does in all again, speak only and of addressing many an issue/matter, and that does in all even, go along in all and with speak of the Updating or Upgrading and of Africa, and in one manner or another that is [that this in all does simply speak even, and of Africa, and as simply said in Conflict that is].

In understanding the African Marketplace, and its having played a role, and in the developing of the African Psyche, and speak too of an African Somasis, and such that, speak of the average African today, and as said facing disillusionment, disorientation or even disappointment in all, and in their very lives too, does in all even speak and of the discarding, and of their Ancestry or Roots too in all, and as having to do, and with the African Marketplace that is.

In all, what does the African Marketplace, truly stand or represent for, or in many a way too, constitute for, and in speak of African History, Timelines and Traditional African Lifestyles in all? In many a way, it can all be said and to speak of the following five main themes perhaps:

The first of these does see in all, the very birth and of an African Labourforce perhaps, and as in all said consisting of African Craftsmen, Artisans, Farmers, Traders, Workers etc., and as in speak here in all again, and of the very fact that, African societies and in the past, do evolve differently and from those seen outside Africa in all, in that, the African Labourforce, does in all even arise, and with their advertising in all, their very Skills, and in the African Marketplace too (and in speak too and of what some do term African Handiwork for instance), and in the hope of gaining short-term employment that is, and as compared to speak of the evolution of Labourforces, and outside Africa too in all, and who in all again have pretty much evolved, and in speak of Family oriented groups and settings that is. In all, speak of the rise of African Wealth in itself, and as the above mentioned in all, is simply the very manner or way Egyptian Civilization, is often perceived, and from speak even, and of its Status in World Civilization that is.

The second of these, does in all even speak of the African Marketplace, and as said in all having truly help to trigger, the very rise and birth in all perhaps, and of African Heritages, African Artifacts and African society too [and speak too, and of the Marketplace, and as the primary place in all, and just where in all again, many an African, would seek out in all, Knowledge and Information too, and of all kinds or forms that is]. In all, the African Marketplace and as viewed as such, does even speak of the African Marketplace and as it does exist today, and in speak of many an African, and as feeling Unworthy or lacking Value in all, and as seeking out the African Marketplace, and in the attempt and in finding inspiration, and in creating Identity, and that does speak in all even and of Heritage, Artifact and society too that is.

The third of these, does speak in all even, and of African existences in all, and in Africa too, and as now associated and with speak of Security in itself, and as arising in all again, and with speak too of the very growth of African Marketplaces, and in speak of Security, and that does in all even speak of Surveillance in itself that is. In all, speak of African Competitive Strategies and Edge, and as said grounded in all, and in speak of African Family life and Family History too, and such that, Surveillance in all, does speak even, and of poor Blood relations, and between Family Members in all truly.

The fourth of these, does in all even speak of African Marketplaces, and as coming to truly in all even define not only African Festive life in itself, but in all ways even, speak of the very rise and of what some do term 'African Spaces' that is (and in speak too and of perceptions, and of whom/who in all is African, and just whom/who in all again, is said not African that is), and as 'African Spaces' in all, do in all even speak of Africans and as said rather Private in their ways, or speak too and of African Civilization (and as seen/found outside Africa too that is) [Link], and as very much evolving, and in speak only, and of 'African Spaces' that is.

The fifth of these, does in all even speak of the very birth and rise too, and of African Regions, Locales and even cities/Architecture too [and alongside speak even and of Africans and as said known Sailors that is], and which in all does speak even and of the African Marketplace, and as truly coming to define Africa, and in speak of what does constitute for, and for not only an African Style/Aesthetic that is, but in all ways truly even, and in speak of African (forms of) Play, African Presentation (Dress), and even African Physicality too (and speak too, of African Wrestling for instance).

In all, the above, and as coming to define the African Psyche, or even speak of an African Somasis too, and speak too in all, and of many an African Expert in all perhaps, and as not perceiving African History and as detailed above, and such that, they do in all fail in realizing perhaps, what in all does go along and with speak of the African Psychological condition, and as not only in all associating Colonialism and the History of African Slavery too, and with the second of the above definitions given in all, but in many a way too falsely associating the two formentioned Social/Psychological conditions in all, and with the third and first of these, and with further speak here in all even, and of the History of Africans, and as very much even termed 'Free men' too perhaps, and who in all for instance, do travel to the Americas (and not as Slaves either), and in speak of the fourth of the reasons given above that is [Link].

In all, the African Marketplace and as today said in all, and to go along and with speak of Neo-Colonialism or even Imperialism in itself too, and as with regards and to speak of the second of the above that is.