Tuesday 25 November 2014

The People of the Mist

The People of the Mist.

Global Christianity

Global Christianity.

This entry in all, very much has to do, and with the very manner and by which this Blog, does in all even envision, Development, and as said International too perhaps, and as speaking of Africa too that is. That it in all again, does speak even of Kenya, or the Archdiocese of Nairobi in particular, or speak in all even of Kenya/Nairobi, and as having to it a better Diplomatic Identity, and in speak of Africa too, and as compared to speak of Nigeria or South Africa too that is, and in speak even of African Identity, and as perceived in all even and from speak of Concerns/Enterprise, and not Empowerment or Modern Democracy either, and in speak too of a World today, still very much believing, Africa, has no real or true Future to it all that is.

Monday 24 November 2014

African Symbolism

African Symbolism.

To speak of Symbolism in all, and from an African Context, is to in all ways even speak of Direction in itself, and Trajectories too that is. Direction here in all, and in speak too of appropriate Behaviour for instance (and not Presentation truly either), and in furtherly stating here in all that, it is believed that Africa today, does have a big or huge problem in all, and in defining itself, and in speak of (Modern) Symbolism, and as with it/they in all even, not only associated with Presentation, and not speak either of Behaviour in itself that is. In all again though, African Symbolism in all, and as with regards to this Blog too for instance, now said Psychic in its ways, and in truly influencing Behaviour in itself that is, and in an Africa too, where Modern Symbolism in all is said not truly respected (and in speak of Internationalism for instance), and that said Traditional, very much ignored that is.

In all perhaps, a manner or way of thinking of life, and that does speak even and of it all as coming to an end (and in Trajectory or 'Evolution' too), and with certain said Behaviour in all, attained that is.

Thursday 20 November 2014

African Rule

African Rule.

The above Continental/Physical Mapping of the World in all, is in many a way in all even, believed, and to speak of African 'State of Affairs', and when in all again, it does in all even speak of (or refer to), and to African Rule in itself that is.

Wednesday 19 November 2014

African Caves

African Caves.

The Advisory

The Advisory.

In speaking of the mundane nature of the heading of this post, is to first in all refer and to the very belief that, many a Defense/Defence mechanism in Africa, is in many a way Ideologically/Theologically, often believed said tied up in all, or associated in all again, and with speak of Pan-Africanism that is [or speak too and of African Ancestries, and as now said even Missionary Christianity in their ways/manners, and if not Anglo-, Franco-, Luso- etc. that is]. 

In all, it is believed here that, the very world of the African Prayer, still remains very much unexplored, and as with it in all even, Prayer, and that does have one truly feeling good about themselves (and in speak of Prose too), and as versus speak of thoughts, and on many an expensive endeavour in all, and on what does best serve for the Advisory, and in a believed said rather troublesome Africa too in all (and in speak of African Communications today too), and as with it in all even basically speaking in all and of having one simply feel good about themselves that is.

Monday 17 November 2014

The African Market

The African Market.

This entry, will attempt in all, and to speak perhaps, and on how, many an African culture in the past, has truly attempted too define themselves, and n speak of Somasis, and the African Psyche too that is. That in all, Africa, can truly be said to be more or less simple in its ways/manners, and if and only if, it can be fathomed in all that, African life, has always been grounded in all again, and in speak of the African Marketplace that is [that in all again perhaps, African life and in speak too of its very Depths, does in all even speak of attempting to understand or know in all, just what in all again, does the African Unconscious in all, truly embody that is].

The African Marketplace in all though, is a place of far more interest in all, and than most would believe it to be. For it is in all the very place, and not only from which a likeable truly, African Somasis and Psyche, does in all arise even, but in speak of Egyptian History and as said African too, does speak in all and of the Egyptian Marketplace, and as having served an inspiration in all for instance, and for the known Tale of Aladdin that is [and as in attempting to show/tell one, just how in all, many an African society, does in all evolve, and in speak too of the African Marketplace that is].

In all, a lot of talk today, and as having to do and with speak of African Economies or even African Lifestyles and Modern Religions in all, does in all even fail to take a Psychological profiling, and in speak of Africa's problems, and in all ways even does in all again, speak only and of addressing many an issue/matter, and that does in all even, go along in all and with speak of the Updating or Upgrading and of Africa, and in one manner or another that is [that this in all does simply speak even, and of Africa, and as simply said in Conflict that is].

In understanding the African Marketplace, and its having played a role, and in the developing of the African Psyche, and speak too of an African Somasis, and such that, speak of the average African today, and as said facing disillusionment, disorientation or even disappointment in all, and in their very lives too, does in all even speak and of the discarding, and of their Ancestry or Roots too in all, and as having to do, and with the African Marketplace that is.

In all, what does the African Marketplace, truly stand or represent for, or in many a way too, constitute for, and in speak of African History, Timelines and Traditional African Lifestyles in all? In many a way, it can all be said and to speak of the following five main themes perhaps:

The first of these does see in all, the very birth and of an African Labourforce perhaps, and as in all said consisting of African Craftsmen, Artisans, Farmers, Traders, Workers etc., and as in speak here in all again, and of the very fact that, African societies and in the past, do evolve differently and from those seen outside Africa in all, in that, the African Labourforce, does in all even arise, and with their advertising in all, their very Skills, and in the African Marketplace too (and in speak too and of what some do term African Handiwork for instance), and in the hope of gaining short-term employment that is, and as compared to speak of the evolution of Labourforces, and outside Africa too in all, and who in all again have pretty much evolved, and in speak of Family oriented groups and settings that is. In all, speak of the rise of African Wealth in itself, and as the above mentioned in all, is simply the very manner or way Egyptian Civilization, is often perceived, and from speak even, and of its Status in World Civilization that is.

The second of these, does in all even speak of the African Marketplace, and as said in all having truly help to trigger, the very rise and birth in all perhaps, and of African Heritages, African Artifacts and African society too [and speak too, and of the Marketplace, and as the primary place in all, and just where in all again, many an African, would seek out in all, Knowledge and Information too, and of all kinds or forms that is]. In all, the African Marketplace and as viewed as such, does even speak of the African Marketplace and as it does exist today, and in speak of many an African, and as feeling Unworthy or lacking Value in all, and as seeking out the African Marketplace, and in the attempt and in finding inspiration, and in creating Identity, and that does speak in all even and of Heritage, Artifact and society too that is.

The third of these, does speak in all even, and of African existences in all, and in Africa too, and as now associated and with speak of Security in itself, and as arising in all again, and with speak too of the very growth of African Marketplaces, and in speak of Security, and that does in all even speak of Surveillance in itself that is. In all, speak of African Competitive Strategies and Edge, and as said grounded in all, and in speak of African Family life and Family History too, and such that, Surveillance in all, does speak even, and of poor Blood relations, and between Family Members in all truly.

The fourth of these, does in all even speak of African Marketplaces, and as coming to truly in all even define not only African Festive life in itself, but in all ways even, speak of the very rise and of what some do term 'African Spaces' that is (and in speak too and of perceptions, and of whom/who in all is African, and just whom/who in all again, is said not African that is), and as 'African Spaces' in all, do in all even speak of Africans and as said rather Private in their ways, or speak too and of African Civilization (and as seen/found outside Africa too that is) [Link], and as very much evolving, and in speak only, and of 'African Spaces' that is.

The fifth of these, does in all even speak of the very birth and rise too, and of African Regions, Locales and even cities/Architecture too [and alongside speak even and of Africans and as said known Sailors that is], and which in all does speak even and of the African Marketplace, and as truly coming to define Africa, and in speak of what does constitute for, and for not only an African Style/Aesthetic that is, but in all ways truly even, and in speak of African (forms of) Play, African Presentation (Dress), and even African Physicality too (and speak too, of African Wrestling for instance).

In all, the above, and as coming to define the African Psyche, or even speak of an African Somasis too, and speak too in all, and of many an African Expert in all perhaps, and as not perceiving African History and as detailed above, and such that, they do in all fail in realizing perhaps, what in all does go along and with speak of the African Psychological condition, and as not only in all associating Colonialism and the History of African Slavery too, and with the second of the above definitions given in all, but in many a way too falsely associating the two formentioned Social/Psychological conditions in all, and with the third and first of these, and with further speak here in all even, and of the History of Africans, and as very much even termed 'Free men' too perhaps, and who in all for instance, do travel to the Americas (and not as Slaves either), and in speak of the fourth of the reasons given above that is [Link].

In all, the African Marketplace and as today said in all, and to go along and with speak of Neo-Colonialism or even Imperialism in itself too, and as with regards and to speak of the second of the above that is.



This entry, will attempt to have one thinking, and of the very Idea in all perhaps, and of Heaven, and from speak even and of Evolutionary Instinct that is. That most in Africa, and in speak of Media too, do in all even often place an emphasis, and on seeking out Media from outside Africa, and as said in all even and to go and with speak of References in all, made, and as with regards to speak of Heaven that is [that for instance, a Magazine like Elle (Link), might very well present its profiles in all, and in a manner, and that does speak even and of the very manner or way, the Editors in all perhaps, do in all even Reference 'Heaven' that is].

Most Africans though, do seem in all, and to have very much forgotten just where in all again, 'Heaven' is said to truly be, and in speak in all, and of it and Historically too, very much associated, and with speak even of the Ancestral Realms that is. In all though, African Ancestral Identity and as believed said in all even, truly capable perhaps, and of extending, and into speak of World Mythology in itself that is.

In all though, and as in having Africans here, very much connect to their pasts/roots, African Cultures in all, and as grounded in all again, and not in speak of Practises, but truly in all again, and in speak of Custom that is [that in all again, African History and as studied from speak even of African Regional Identities, does find it perceived and from speak of Practises, while speak of Custom, does in all even obviously, speak of Tribal Identities in themselves that is]. In all, while Slavery is said Regional African History, Colonialism on the otherhand, does speak even of African Custom, and now does speak even of perceiving African Colonialism, and from those Tribal groups in all perceived as Colonial Subjects, and as versus those in all simply said under Colonial Rule that is.

In all perhaps, what is been said here is that, Africans in all, never do perceive themselves and from speak of Custom (and as with it even said Ashanti/Akan too, and not Hausa truly either), in that, African Custom and in certain circles (and as in speaking here perhaps, and of Media, and that does speak even of a reknowed Museums Private Collection), is often even perceived Legendary, and by some too, and as in boldly here stating that, Akan Custom (and not Ashanti truly either), is known to very much parallel even, that said Nazi German that is. In all, what is been said here is that, African Ideas in all, and of Heaven, do in all even originate, and with African Custom, and that in all ways even, and for all Africans too, Judgment perhaps, and on dying, doe speak of our making it to a Heaven, and that does speak in all, and of whom or who in all again, we are, and with Custom, and while on this Earth that is [Link]. In all, speak here in all even, and of racist attitudes perhaps, and towards Africans, and as speaking in all and of African Custom and as truly associated in all again, and with speak of African Humour and Primitivity too, and while that said Zulu is believed in all even Legendary in its ways too, for most Africans, a difficulty in all and in finding acceptance and in many a place around the World, and in speak in all again and of whom or who in all they are, and with African Custom and its accompanying Humour, but that in all ways even, speak in all too even and of the interesting world of African Custom, and as now referring in all even and to speak too of now deceased former Gangster Rapper Tupac Amaru Shakur that is, and who or whom in many a way, did in all define himself and in speak of Custom, believed even said African too, and which in all even and in speak of troubled African Youth perhaps, does see him in all, celebrate or even defend in all again, his manner of living or lifestyle too, and by in all ways even now, simply speaking on whom or who he really was with Custom, and speak too of his thoughts on going to a 'Thug Heaven', and on dying, and in his said bestselling single 'I Aint Mad at Cha' that is {Link].

More thoughts on this, and on African Ideas in all, and of Heaven, and as said speaking of History in itself, does in all even go along and with speak of terms and such as Ethiope, Moor or Moorish too (Link), and who in all at the very least, do in all even attempt to spread African views/perceptions of Heaven/Hell, and to many another part of the World, and as with it in all even, going along in all truly perhaps, and with speak now and of Religion, and as associated truly and with speak of Herbalism for instance, Regalia too, or speak even of Media, and as very much inspired by speak of Africa, and in Theme too that is [Link].

In all though, speak here in all even and of having Africans live life and on the Continent in itself, and in speak of referencing 'Heaven' too, and in further speak of defining Africans in all, and as races too, and that does in all even now see some, view Africans in all and as races too, and poorly in all again perhaps, and from speak of the United States of America and the Americas in themselves (and speak too, and of the Civil Rights Movement that is), but that in all ways even, other views of Africans and as said races in all, and as helping Africans in all again, perceive their very lives in Africa and as said truly African that is, and Heavenly too, does in all even perhaps speak of perceiving African races, and as versus those said Egyptian (but still very much African), those said Mediterranean (and speak too of Sicily perhaps), those said Spanish too (and speak too of Madrid in all, and in its Culture that is), those said Indian (and speak too of the Kama Sutra perhaps), those said Japanese (and speak too of African Nature/Aesthetics in all), or even those said Icelandic/Nordic in all (and speak too, of African Blood that is). In all, the just mentioned and as helping Africans develop Media, and that does in all even go along and with speak of African Ideals in all and of 'Heaven' in itself that is.

In all perhaps, and in helping Africans in all and in viewing/seeing Africa as it truly is, a Mapping perhaps, and as with it all even said a Worldview too, and of the World in all, and which does speak of viewing the Americas (from Argentina to Canada as one), Europe & Central Asia, the Middle East & Southeast Asia, and also East Asia & New Zealand / Australia too that is [that in all, viewing the World as just mentioned, will help those in Africa, actually truly realize Africa in many a way, is often believed said a solitary Continent on its own that is].

Sunday 16 November 2014

African Lifestyles

African Lifestyles.

This entry, will in all, attempt to define, what does stand for in all again, and for African Religious Lifestyles that is. That in all again, those in Africa today, are simply said in all perhaps, to simply 'not be of an understanding of themselves' in all, and as with regards in all even, and to speak of Apathy, or speak even and of Media in Africa today in all, and as generally presenting Africans, and as said whiners, complainers or speak even of blame in itself too that is.

In all, the above does speak in all perhaps, Apathy that is, and of the belief that, Human life is at the very least regulated in all, and by what some do term 'Social forces', but with it all even said to lead and to speak of the 'forces of Nature' too (and as said elemental in all), and as strongly even influencing Human behaviour that is, but that in all ways even, African Apathy, and as believed in all even by some, and to arise and in speak of African Heritage, Artifacts and society too, and as in all ways even speaking of Ancestral Lineages in the very least that is. That in all, African Identity and in the past, best said grounded in all and in speak of ones Ancestors, does see it all manifest Physically, and in speak of Heritage, Artifacts and society too, and with African Apathy in all, now said to speak and of Africans, and as truly failing to define themselves, and in a Historical manner too, and that does speak in all, and of African (notions of) Honour, Loyalty and Respect, and as said in all again, and to truly speak in all, and of just how many an African, does perceive their Modern World, and alongside speak in all even, and of Traditional African Heritage, Artifacts/Artefacts and society too.

In all, while Honour, Loyalty and Respect, and in many another Culture and to be seen/found outside Africa in all, is said in all even and to speak and not only of what it does mean to be accepted as Human in all, but speak in all even of Heritage, Artifacts and society too, but is in many a way in all even believed, and to speak too in all, and of what the Swahili do call/term Mali (Proverbial Wealth), Akiba (Proverbial Wisdom), or even Riziki (Proverbial 'Store'/ Necessities), but that in all ways even, African Cultures and in speak too of those said Egyptian, have always defined Honour, Loyalty and Respect, and in speak of the Egun, the Egungun, and speak even of Egbe in itself too that is [and with all three said known Yoruba terms in all]. In all again, it is to be said here that, the Swahili in all, are not actually an African people and as most do in all know perhaps, and as they in all do not define Honour, Loyalty and Respect, and in an African/Egyptian manner that is.

In having said the above, is to now in all even speak of African perspectives of Taboo in all, and in the Modern World we live in, and as said in all now redefined, and by many an African Scholar too, and in speak of defining/perceiving Honour, Loyalty and Respect, and from the very perspective of Local, Regional or National Identities too, and as versus speak in all, and of Ancestral Lineages that is [and further speak too and of Nigeria and as said Africa's most prominent Country in all, and from a Sub-Saharan African Perspective in the very least that is].

In having said the above, is to in many a way too, speak and of the very manner and by which, Africans in all, do perceive the 'World at large' that is [and as helping in all again, define the very manner and by which Africans, do in all perceive Taboo, and as said Modern too that is]. That it all perhaps, does speak of Modern African Political Leadership, and as coming in all again, and to define the very manner by which Africans do perceive Taboo and as said Modern, and as with regards to speak and of Modern African Political Leadership, and as very much defining the very manner by which Africans do view their 'World at large' so to speak (or speak even of Worldviews that is), and as compared to speak of Traditional African Leadership, and who/whom in all many do believe, to hold no views of the 'World at large', and in speak of Worldviews too that is [and as with it all even going along, and with speak of Modern African Development in all truly]. 

In all, what we are trying to say here is that, there are those who do often believe Africa, has had (or will have), an Illustrious History to it, but as with they in all even often simply said Afrocentrics that is. To understand this view and which some do in all call Afrocentric, and speak too of Taboo now and as perceived Societal that is, is to in all even now revert and to Egyptian History, and in speak of the famed City of Alexandria that is. That Alexandria, said historically one of the more or most famed of Cities, does speak in all, and it as housing Artifacts, Heritage and even society too, very much African, and in speak too of Sub-Saharan African Identity that is. In all though, Africa, and as said in all an interest and to many an Ethnographer (and those said too, of the Robert Farris Thompson fame so to speak), does in all even speak of society in Alexandria Egypt, now making its way out of Egypt, and in speak of African/Egyptian Myth too, and as with it all even coming to define that is, society, and in many another part of the World, and in speak too of Ancient Britain, Scotland, Barcelona/Spain, Rome/Italy, Macedonian Greece, Jerusalem/Israel and speak too of old Boston in America too that is. 

The very world though, and of African society has very much come to decline, and as Africans in all, are now said to suffer, and from many a difficulty or simply said 'ailing' too perhaps, and in speak of the attempt to truly define Honour, Loyalty and Respect, and as said in all even referring, and to the History of Slavery and Colonialism, and in Africa too that is [that in all, it is believed that it is Africa, and that does suffer the most, and in speak of Slavery, and not African slaves either, and as Negritude in all (Link) is believed said even an African Philosophy in all and as arising after Slavery that is, and as versus speak of Black Resistance Movements (Link), and which in all even do speak of the African-American Experience, and as versus those said 'Black' too, and speak too of the Black Experience that is, and which in all does deal with speak of Segregation in itself actually (Link)].

In all though, African society in all, and as in speaking of attempting to define African perspectives of Taboo, and in a World today, not truly defined and by speak of Institutions either, but speak in all again, and of Media, Sentiment and Consciousness too, does in all even now speak only perhaps, and of African 'Prayer Houses' so to speak, as truly said the only avenue in all, and by which African Apathy, and to life too, and as said speaking in all even of Ancestral Lineages, can be dealt with, and in speak furtherly of defining Taboo, and as said Societal in all, or speak even and of the defining of society in itself too, and as the African 'Prayer House' in all, is best said acquainted, and in Potential too, and with speak too perhaps here in all, and of the very History, Italian, and of the rise and fall of the House of Medici that is, and alongside speak even of Florentine Italian society that is.

Saturday 15 November 2014

Baptismal Rites

Baptismal Rites.

This entry in all, will very much speak on, and on the very History, and of the rise and birth and of Christianity in Africa (and outside speak of Egypt or Ethiopia too). That in all, Christianity in Africa, is truly said to rise, and in speak specifically, and of the Rite of Baptism (or the Baptismal truly too that is). 

That the importance of Baptism (or the Baptismal truly), and in Africa, does in all even go along in all, and with speak of simply defining what Experiences we do seek out or want out of life in all, and in speak of an Africa, and whose Life Experiences in all again, are believed said limited or defined truly in all, and in speak only of Family Ancestry that is.

In all, the Baptismal, and in Africa too, now said to very much arise in all, and in helping many an African redefine just whom or who in all again, they very much are, and with speak even of Family Lineage, and as said in all even, and to speak of the known Yoruba term 'Ori' that is.

That for most Africans today, life and as believed Ideal, taking in all, South African Dimensions, and in speak of South Africa's Western Rituals, Rites and Routines in themselves that is. The living of life though, and in Africa, and as truly associated and with speak of Routines, has never been common and in speak too of Egyptian History too in all, but that in all ways even and in South Africa too, it does in all even speak of Apartheid and Black Nationalism that is.

In speaking of 'Ori' though, is to first in all even associate it and with the term Conscience, but that in all ways even, African History, now believed said to go along in all and with speak of condemning Africans and as versus speak of Egyptians too that is, and as most Africans in all, do fail to realize that the Egyptians of old in all perhaps, did very much have a Conscience/'Ori', and that was very much African, but now said becoming truly Egyptian that is [and the false belief that, Egyptians don't understand African problems, and are very much like those in the Middle East in all]. In speaking though and of Africans today and as said troubled by their pasts or History in all again, and in speak for instance and of the popular saying in all 'which way best for Africa', is to in all even now associate African History, and not with speak of Ancestors or the Ancestral, but in all ways even, and with speak of 'the spirits of the Dead' / 'the Dead', and as with it all even now, speaking of Africa today, and as said in all even Muslim, 'Popular Christianity' and Traditional African Religions too, and in speak of 'Ori' that is, and with Muslim Africa, very much looking down on Traditional African Religions, and in speak of 'the spirits of the Dead' and the believed decline of African Religions, and with Popular Christianity in Africa, now said to speak of 'Ori', and from the very perspective of a Common Identity, and as with it in all even speaking of the African Religious Service that is [and with African Muslims in many a way, believing themselves to have a more powerful 'Ori', and in speak of Muslim Religious/Prayer Rituals that is].

The rise though and of an African Christianity, does in all even have to do, and with speak of redefining 'Ori' in all, and a way from speak even of Lineages that is. That African Christianity, and alongside speak even of Coptic Egyptian Christianity, does in all believe that, 'Ori' in all, is something said rather complex in its ways, and as with it in all even speaking now and of the attempt to truly in all again define in all, what does stand for or truly represent for in all, the African Experience, and as said Genuine or Authentic too that is. That in all, the very best manner to explain this, would be to view the African Experience in all perhaps, and in speak of Lenses, and speak too of Photography that is [and further speak in all even, and of the authentication of Slavery and Colonialism, and in Africa too, and as very much in all believed a legitimate African Experience, and in speak of life and as viewed from speak of Lenses that is][what is been said here is that, Slavery and Colonialism and as said having transpired in all, and from the very perspective of speak in all again of Lenses, does speak of African History now, and as very much said having been real, and along the lines of speak of Conquistador Myth that is][Link].

In helping one define 'Ori' and from the very perspective of speak of Lenses, and the African Experience too, is to now in all even associate the Baptismal, and with the following:

1. Sex, Love & Intimacy
2. Thirst/Passions
3. Wonder
4. Gesture
5. Diligence

In all, the above manners and of defining 'Ori', and as now helping steer many an African, and away from the 'World at large' in all, and in the attempt in defining societies, and in Africa too, and that do in all even speak of Simple Humour for instance.

In many a way though, and in helping truly introduce to one, what Baptism in all, is truly all about, and in speak too of African Identity in all again, is to in all even associate it, and with what they do term Themes, and with speak even and of what some do term Black Christianity perhaps, and as speaking of 'Black African' Identity in all, speaking in all again and of Pardon, and as very much said a Theme of life that is. In speaking though and of African Christianity and as said African and Egyptian too, Indolence, and as very much said a Theme in all, said to speak in all and of African Christianity and Baptism, while Egyptian Christianity in all again, does very much concentrate on Judgment issues/matters that is.

In the attempt to finalize all this, the attempt here and in defining African Christianity, and from the very perspective of Baptism too, does in all even speak of it all and as perceived from a Geographical perspective, and in speak of Africa in itself, Egypt and India too.

That in speaking of Africa, speak now in all, and of the very Act of Sex in itself that is, and as going along with the African Experience, and as now in all, very much speaking of African society and as said perceiving Sex/Sexuality, and from speak of 'Possessive states' too, and such that, Sex/Sexuality is in all not perceived, and from a Societal perspective either perhaps (and in speak of Responsibility too for instance), but that in all ways even, it does speak in all, and of an African obsession perhaps, and of finding a single Source in all, and by which they/one can very much depend/survive on that is [and further speak even and of the attractivity of Christianity in Africa, and as versus speak in all even, of Polytheistic African Religions that is].

In speaking of India and as versus Africa, speak now of Religion/Spirituality in India and Africa, and as very much dealing with many a Time issue/matter in all, and that does speak even of African Religion and as compared/paralleled to that said Indian in all, does speak in all again and of Time Differentials that is, in that, both Religion in all, do aspire to put a Time limit to their problems in all again, and in speak too of the Instant that is [and further speak even, and of the ability in all and to look/see into the Future that is].

Finally, speak in all, and of African Christianity and as versus speak of Egypt in all again, and speak in all here perhaps, and of Egyptian Religion, said even believed in all (and truthfully so), far more advanced truly, and in defining the Psychic, and basic speak even and of the ability to track African Trajectories and as with regards to speak of History/the Future that is [and in speak here too, and of countering Technology that is], speak in all even and of Imagination (and as historically believed everything, and not Intelligence in itself truly either), or speak in all again and of the Body and as said capable of not only experiencing all forms, sorts or kinds of emotion in all, and that can be classified under speak of Bliss, Ecstasy or Divine Love too, but speak in all again, and of the Body and as defined under speak of Body Consciousness, and a belief in possessing total Awareness, in that, Teleportation, is now very much even believed here in all, Historical Egyptian Political Theory that is.

Thursday 13 November 2014

Spiritual Disease

Spiritual Disease.

When we do speak of Spiritual Disease, we are in many a way in all, speaking in all again, and of Character Development in itself, and in Africa too, and as referring in all even, and to speak of 'Iwa Pele' for instance.

That Spiritual Disease, does in all even refer, and to Character Development in all, and as truly associated and with speak of the Source (and further speak too and of God and as said a Source), but further speak in all again, and of its Proper said or True/False End that is [and further speak in all again, and of the very phrase 'Means to an End' that is].

Tuesday 11 November 2014

African Academia

African Academia.

Most in Africa today, don't truly ever think and of the problems in all, and alongside speak even of Social Ills & Sicknesses too, and that do arise in all again, and with speak of Civil society that is. That Civil society, while often appraised in all and by many a so termed expert and person too, has in all come to be defined, and in speak of Opinion formation in itself, and Opinion formation too, apparently in all taking into account just about any kind or form of Institution that is. But society in all again, Civil, often said believed grounded in all, and in speak of Recreational activity too that is.

This Blog though, does hold the opinion that, Civil society in Africa, is simply said a failure in itself. That in all again, African society, is said best perceived here (and in speak of the Times too), and in speak of Social skills that is, and as with they in all even going along in all, and with the very world of African Academia [and basic speak too, and of African Studies in all that is][Link].

Monday 10 November 2014

Evolutionary Instincts

Evolutionary Instincts.

When we do speak of Evolutionary Instincts and Africa, we are in many a way too, attempting to very much state that, Evolution, and as perceived in speak of Africa, does differ and from speak of Evolution outside Africa in all, and as Evolution outside Africa, is truly often associated and with speak of Shame/Shaming in itself, while Evolution in Africa, does in all even appear and to speak of Possibility/Impossibility in itself, and speak of the Fear , and that is said in all, and to Innudate one that is [and as with it all even referring, and to one and as said Dormant in Expression, and speak too, and of Human Evolution and outside speak of 'Heaven' and 'Hell' in themselves, and as simply said Fear ridden that is].

African Rite

African Rite.

Many in Africa, have probably heard of the term Pillars. They in all, can be simply said even, and to speak of Pillars, and as going along in all, and with speak of Architecture in itself for instance. The term Pillars though, has come to be associated and with speak of Wisdom in all, and that many do associate and with speak and of truly in all perhaps, and of how everything on Earth, is said to function, operate or work that is. In all perhaps, the most popular usage of Pillars, and as said speaking of 'the 5 Pillars of Islam' for instance, and via which the Islamic world, and as said extending from Spain, and into the Middle East / Central Asia, and into Asia in itself too, did exist by, or did simply recognize itself by that is.

In understanding this better, is to speak even of the 4 Pillars of Knowledge (and as said Roman too) [adaptation], the Seven Pillars of Wisdom (Link), or speak even and of Matriarchal Archetypes and of Goddesses too and as including speak even of the 'Statue of Liberty' in itself and in the United States of America today too, and by which many a society has attempted in all, and to very much design and if not define society in itself too, and in speak of Pillars that is, and as associated with these Matriarchal Archetypes in all [and in many a way too, giving birth to a World, and that does in all even worship the Feminine so to speak, and as in speak even of simply appeasing many a Feminine figure that is].

Further speak of this all, does speak even and of just where in all again, the Greek World that is, does meet Egypt, and speak too now and of a society/World, and that does in all even associate the Pillars of Knowledge/Creation, and with speak even and of Medicine in itself, and as said an Institution too that is. Finally in all again, speak even and of those who have attempted to uncover the so called 'Pillars of the Earth', and by which it can be explained, just how in all, the Sun is said to Rise and Set, or speak even and of the Earth and as said Rotating by itself, the Moon, and as changing in size and 'texture' too, or speak even and of the Revolving of the Earth in itself, and alongside many another said Planet too that is.

In all, Africa, and as said uncivil by many, does speak even and of the very lack of African Knowledge Bodies perhaps, and as going along in all, and with speak of Pillars too, but that in all ways even, the very belief here that, Pillars, and in African Civilization, does very much speak of that said Egyptian too, and as with it all even speaking of Rite, and the building of the Egyptian Pyramids that is.

Sunday 9 November 2014

The Burden

The Burden.

The Burden, and in life too, and as with it all even perhaps said grounded in all, and in speak of Patience that is.

Friday 7 November 2014

African Emancipation

African Emancipation.

When one does speak of Emancipation in all, one is in many a way taking a view of life and that does speak in all even and of Consciousness in itself too (and speak even and of the 'freeing of ones mind' for instance), and as with regards to many a Religious, Social, Economic or Political issue/matter that is, and as having in all again and to do and with speak of Sexuality, Money, Love, Power, Status, History, Potential etc. In all, when one does think of Africa today and in speak of Emancipation too, one then is best advised perhaps, and in grounding it all and in speak of the History of Martinique and as said African too, and as versus speak in all again, and of (African) Civil Rights Movements in all, or speak even and of Influence and as arising with Islam too perhaps, and as said helping in all again, many an African, simply learn how to view/think in all, and of Emancipation in itself that is [and all this too, and as viewed in all even and from very much a Theoretical perspective and that does speak even of an African Education too, and as versus speak of it all and as perceived in all even and from speak of Communications, and as said Diplomatic too that is].

African Semiotics

African Semiotics.

This entry, can be said to do, and with speak and of what does constitute and for said African Inferiority that is. That Africa in all, is often basically presented, and as said lagging or truly backward too, and as with it all even often said, and to speak of African History, and as presented and from speak of African Heritages, African Artifacts and even speak of African societies that is [and as with they all even basically perceived and in speak of African Religion and as said Vodoun too, and as perceived in all, and as said inferior to all other Religions on Earth that is].

In all though, in speaking of African Semiotics, or speak too, and of African perceptions/beliefs of Survival in itself, and as Said Evolutionary too, and as going along in all, and with speak of Modernity in itself (and further speak here even and of the term Supremacy in itself that is), one cannot then help but ponder in all, what does constitute for African Semiotics, and in speak of African races, African genes and even African blood too that is.

That speak of the African races, does in all even speak of associating them in all, and with speak of Slavery and Colonialism too, but that in all again, speak too, and of the African races, and as said consisting in all, and of the Hebrews/Nazarites/'Scholar' that is, and further speak too and of the so termed hidden/secret Bloodline of Jesus for instance [and of the Freemasons Rite too that is].

In speaking though, and of African genes, is to in all even perhaps, associate it all and in certain circles too, and with speak of African Sexuality in all, but speak truly in all again, and of African Humour and Sensuality that is, but that in all ways even, the viewing of Africans interestingly enough and from this perspective, speaking in all even and Historically too, and of what some could term African Dominance that is [and as in perhaps telling one here that, this manner of looking at Africans, is often deemed controversial, and in speak too and of what does constitute for African Wealth, and as with it not only said Templar for instance, but further speak here in all again and of the greatest of Friendships that is, but that in all ways even, the telling here perhaps, that, Names and such as Robert, Philip or even Gregory too, and as found/seen outside Africa in all, do in all even speak of African genes, and the History of 'Africans' outside Africa too that is; meaning in all that, such folks, don't in all readily Identify with Africa that is, and are often termed Moor or Ethiope for instance].

In speaking though of African blood, is to in all ways even now associate Africans that is, and with Egyptian Civilization in itself too, and further speak too and of Africans and as said differing in Intelligence in all, but with they all even perceived to be of 'one blood' that is, and 'one blood' too, and that does speak even and of the African Poet that is.

Wednesday 5 November 2014



This entry, will purport in all, and to those in all again said followers perhaps, and of this very Blog too, and to in all again, speak and of just how in all, one does perceive History that is. That History in all, does speak even and of simply how in all, most of us, are said Shaped, Conditioned or Molded too, but that in all ways even, and surprisingly too, there are those in Africa and who do in all never do think of their selves in all again, and their lives too, and from the very perspective of Sabotage (and speak too of self-sabotage too for instance).

In all, what is been said here is that, that it all does speak even and of the viewing of History and from the very perspective of Dignity in itself that is, and Dignity too, and as said defined and in speak of Timidity and Selfishness too that is. That in all again, it does even speak and of who or whom one is, and with Defeatist mentalities, and very belief that, Dignity, and as said African too, does in all even speak and of just whom or who one is, and with Sabotage in itself that is.

Saturday 1 November 2014

Primitive Religions

Primitive Religions.

When one does refer, and to speak of Primitive Religions, one in many a way is often faced with feelings of amusement, laughter, mockery, seriousness, puzzlement etc. In all, Primitive Religions, do it is believed, deal in all, and with one simple term that is: Doubt.

“Humanity takes itself too seriously. It is the world's original sin. If the cave-man had known how to laugh, History would have been different.” 

 ― Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray

The reason though and why Primitive Religions, and as versus those said Theistic for instance, are believed said to be of importance, is because, they are truly believed in all even, to have played a Fundamental role, and in the rise of Civilization just about everywhere. For it is via Primitive Religion, and not that said Theistic either, that Humans in all, are now even said separate from other 'Animals', in that, Humans in all now, and via speak of Primitive Religions too, do in all even develop, the so called Medical Tradition for instance.

While Theistic Religion might be said and to deal with speak of the said and unknown to many too perhaps, existence of God (and as believed said realized for instance, and in speak of Mysticism too), Primitive Religion has been known and to focus in all, and in speak of Dogma in itself that is. For it is via Primitive Religion, and by which Europe for instance is born by, and as Europe in all, does tend to differ from many a place in the World, and as European History too, is believed said to truly evolve and via speak of Primitive Religion that is [Link].

In all, and in helping one understand Dogma, and as said Human too, and as precipitating in all, the very rise of the Medical Tradition, is to perhaps present differing 'kinds'/'systems' in all, and of Primitive Religion, and which in all were believed said instrumental, and in the rise of Egyptian Civilization that is.

The first of these does speak in all, and of African Crosses (and with the most famous of these said the Ankh too perhaps), but that speak of African Crosses in Egypt in all, does in all even speak of one and as said truly Innocent in their ways that is in that, Religion now and as associated with African Crosses in Egypt, does see one engage in practises in all, and that do call for the inducing of Dream States, and such that, one is in all said an endless Dreamer, and as with regards to speak of what could be (and in speak of this very moment too), and such that, Europe in all, is believed said born even, and in speak of Celtic Crosses too, and in the attempt to in all create a worthy moment, experience or occasion too perhaps, and at any given place too, and such that, European History is now said even to truly evolve primarily, and in speak of Friendships that is [Link].

The second of these Primitive Religions, and as now even said Greek (but not truly Cretan), does in all even go along and with speak of (Archaeological) Bowls for instance, but that in all ways even, Primitive Religion too, complicated to understand, and as it does in all even now speak, and of the said Magical 'properties' in all, and of Water that is.

The third of these, now does find or see, Humans in Egypt in all, congregating in many a room, and in Egypt too, and to simply learn how to Chant, Evoke or Invoke many a said ancient Memory for instance, but that in all ways even, it did at the very least give birth to the Cult of Amun, and the chanting of 'Oriki' for instance and as associated with Obelisks too, but Religion too, and that does now find its ways and into Italy, and in many a way in all, does see to it the very rise too perhaps and of the Vatican, and as said an Independent Structure from the rest of Italy, and in an Italy now said truly filled with many a Seducer/Magician, and as said simply out to kill that is [Link].

The fourth of these though, Primitive Religion that is, is believed said truly African [and from an Egyptian Context that is]. It in all, is believed said Primitive Religion and that does speak of Fire and Fire Rituals too, but that in all ways even, it in all is said to speak of what some do term Altered States of Consciousness, and as with it in all even said to speak and of just whom or who in all, we are, and with Awe, Surprise, Amazement, Shock etc. In all, in helping one understand Primitive Religion and as often associated with Fire, is to in all ways even speak of the Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings by Tolkien that is [Link].

The reason though, why all this is believed important and for those in Africa is that, it first in all does even refer and to what some do term an Universal Consciousness, but that as said simply above, Primitive Religion has been Instrumental in all, and in the rise of Civilization, and in speak for instance and of the invention in all, and of Gunpowder too, and which in all even is 'invented', and in Cretan Greece, and not China either [and with Crete in all, or speak too of the Greek Isles, very much even said home and to Religion, and in the form of Dogma that is].

African Institutions

African Institutions.

What in all, can be said to be the best of examples of African Institution, and a way from that which is said in all Egyptian, and that does speak in all and of Pharaoh that is? It in all is believed said something truly difficult to answer, and all this too, and as said even, and as with regards to speak of our defining Turmoil or Pain that is.

That in all again, what is been said here is that, African Institutions, do truly vary in all, and in speak of Local and Regional Identities, but that in all ways even, Institution, African, and as coinciding in all and with speak of the contents of this Blog, does in all even speak of the Congo too, and as Institution in the Congo, and as seen/found Historically (and speak too of the Kongo Kingdom that is), can be said and to speak of Morbidity/'Anguish' and Torment/'Laughter', or speak truly even, and of what some in African Religion do in all term 'Elenini' that is.

In all, the above said, and in helping one simply learn to define African Institution, and as with it all even perceived and from speak of Nationalist Identity, and as best said today perhaps, and to speak of defining Africans, and in speak of Drives, Appetites and Urges too that is.



Does a common African Ancestor exist? Can it be said, that all Africans, are of a Common Parentage? This can be ascertained to be the truth, and in speak of defining African Blood in itself, and in speak of Africa's Storytelling Tradition that is [and as with it even said Egyptian too].

** do note though, the Swahili peoples of Kenya/Africa, do in all even have differing Storytelling Traditions, and that do in all even speak of their being Swahili, Omani, and even a Seafaring people that is.

The Kill

The Kill.

When one does speak of the Kill, one is in many a way too, not speaking in all again, and of Death that is. For Death, is often said a Transformational experience and one in all, one might very wish to experience, and as it does in all even speak and of just whom or who in all again, one is, and with Restriction and Inhibitions too, but that in all ways even, it does speak and of one and as said having a difficulty in all, and in 'simply letting go', and of many a thing for instance, and inorder to have life in all perhaps, truly open one up, and to many a differing experience that is [and as with they even believed said, life's experiences that is, truly infinite their ways actually].

The Kill on the otherhand, does in all even speak and of just whom or who in all, we are, and when one does speak of Awakenings, Expectations and even Wishful thinking. That the Kill, does in all even now, speak and of society and life in all, and as truly defined and in speak of Survival in itself that is. That the Kill, does now speak and of life today, and as said going along in all truly, and with speak of Public life too, such that, Public life today (and as versus that said truly Private for instance), is in all ways even said defined truly, and by the Kill, and not by Death in itself either that is.

In all, speak and of Survival and as speaking of the Kill, and as said even truly defining life and if not Public life in itself, and today that is, does speak even and of the glorifying of many a Public figure for instance, and as said exempt in all, and from the Kill too perhaps, or speak in all again, and of our defining ourselves and in speak of Awakenings, Expectations and Wishful thinking too, and in our defining  Contamination, Pollution and Defilement that is, or speak in all again perhaps, and as in telling one that, the defining of Public life, and as said even, the primary way/manner of existence, and as versus speak of the Private (and which was common in Traditional Africa too), is said rather difficult and if not troubling in its ways, and has historically in all, been often said associated truly, and with speak of 'the Dead' that is [or speak even and of those, believed to have suffered in one manner or another, and for us all actually].