Wednesday 29 October 2014

Pax Africana

Pax Africana.

The above Blog entry posted, does have to do, and with speak and of so said African Law Frameworks. That on speaking on Pax Africana, one in all, is truly attempting to decide on, or ascertain, what does actually pass for and in the very least too, Lawful, African Behaviour that is. That Africa in all, and as often said an Uncivil place too (and Historically speaking that is), does in all even speak of African Behaviour, and as often said perceived, truly unpredictable in all that is.

In understanding what does pass for a Genuine or Authentic for instance, African Behaviour, and if not speak of it said Religious, Sectarian or Diplomatic too, is to in all even now speak of perceiving Africa, and from the very perspective of Historical/Ancestral lineages for instance, and that does in all even speak of associating African Behaviour (and the Behavioural too), and alongside speak even and of the History of African slaves in the Americas, or speak even of Colonialism in Africa too that is.

There are those though, and who do perceive themselves, and from speak in all, and of their Pondering in all again, just what in all does pass for African Intelligence, and in many a way too, now oftenly do find themselves truly Pondering the validity of many an African Oracle for instance, and as with it even said to go along and with speak of Behaviour, and that many in all would not consider Standard or Ideal, and in a World today, and that does in all even associate Intelligence, and speak too of Behaviour, and with notions of Justice in all that is [and surprisingly too, speak of the World today in all again, and as somewhat misdirected in its norms, in that, those said of African Ancestry in all, are believed said even, Good Lawyers that is].

This Blog though, will attempt to redefine African Behaviour (and the Behavioural too), and in a manner that most in all, and as said suffering in poverty too, would probably ascribe or subscribe to that is. That in all, what is been said here is that, the determining in all, and of what does pass for a truly acceptable for instance, African Behaviour in all, is believed said not known to most, and in an Africa, believed by many to truly be the most difficult of Continents/places, and to conquer in all, and not in speak of Habitation in itself either that is (and speak too here of Asia in all), but speak truly in all even, and of Adaptation in itself that is [that Africa in all, is actually said ti be the very home and to many a virulent even Virus, Pathogen, Bacteria, 'Bug' etc., such that, Africans and on Adapting to it all (or risk facing decimation/extinction and to some extent too), do in all even find themselves classified, and  as Human too, and as said very much even like Mutants in their ways/manners that is].

In all, what this Blog will attempt to do, is define certain (forms of) Behaviour/'Behavioural' and for many an African and as said in poverty too that is, and as with it even said to speak of finding Success in life in all, and in a manner and that does speak even of Networking in itself, and as said in all again and in truly helping define ones Behaviour in all, and in speak and of Tactical/Strategic Intelligence that is [or speak too and of 'the Discerning', 'the Figuring Out' and 'the Recognizing' of many a thing that is].

In having mentioned the above said, is to then in all attempt to provide a Lawful Framework, and that does speak even of Pax Africana, and which does attempt to define African Behaviour, and from speak of Knowledge Bodies, and as very much even said Proverbial in their ways that is. In all, the following below, and as speaking in all again, and of such a said Logical Framework, and as very much said Theory too that is.

The defining in all, and of Africa in itself, and in speak of Structure, Construct and Paradigm too, and as very much supported and by speak of the Mathematical, Chemical, Physical, Biological, Theological etc., and as with it all even simply said Theory, and that does in all even, simply help one think, and of life and opportunity in itself that is. In all, while many a Modern African Scholar, has attempted to do as such, and in speak of the Theological too, but without telling us all, just whom or who in all, God and as said African too (and from a Historical Reference perspective too that is), truly is. One though, could in many a way too, find some inspiration, and in the following below:

1. Structure - the Double Helix

2. Construct - the Human Genome (DNA, RNA) [and speak too, and of just whom or who in all, Humans are, and when compared and to speak of Rats/Rodents, Pigs, Monkeys/Primates, 'Mammals', 'Parrots' etc.].

3. Paradigms - and speak too and of the Viral that is.

To add to all this, is to speak in all and of everyday African Realities, and further speak even and of their Potentials that is, is to in all now even, speak of African lifestyles for instance, and as defined and in speak of the following:

1. (Bio/Eco/Ethno-  etc.) Diversity.

2. (Socio/Cognitive/Cultural - etc.) Anthropology.

3. (Biological/Political/Social/Cultural -  etc.) Agents.

In finishing up, speak too and of Behaviour in Africa in all, and as associated primarily and with Strategic/Tactical Intelligence, and as said very much to go along in all, and in speak of a Worldly Consciousness too, and with our perceptions in all perhaps, and as with regards to the following:

1. Materials - and as basically said even African and as versus those said Global, International, Worldly, Historic, Egyptian etc.

2. Names/Terminology.

In all again, an African now devised, and as said in all perhaps, steeped, or grounded in all, and in speak of Deception in itself too that is.