Thursday 30 October 2014

African Media

African Media.

For Pax Africana and as proposed on this very Blog, to very much be able to exist and in an Independent fashion too that is, one in all, would have to associate it truly, and with an African Media of a kind. An African Media in all, and that does speak even and of (Social) Networking, and which in all ways even does attempt to define Africans, and as with regards to speak of Sources, and further speak of 'the Source' too that is [and as said even by some, God, or a Deity too actually].

However though, and in attempting to associate the Source, and with Spiritual Theories on Light and Sound too for instance, is to in all even then, associate speak of the Source, and with speak of our Bodies too, and as now truly associated and with the term Intermittency that is, and as with it even for instance speaking of an Intellect developed, and as associated and with the deciphering of Noise levels for instance, or speak truly in all again, and of the rather said many and varying Bodily Mechanisms (response, reset, parental, repair etc.), and as said truly associated in all, and with speak of Intermittency in itself actually [and further speak too, and of just how in all that is, we do decipher or 'make out', Light/Lighting in itself actually].