Thursday 10 September 2015

Game Theory

Game Theory.

When we do talk of Game Theory here, we are too saying it all, a said even, Subset, and of the said Games too, Evolutionary, and that do in all even speak, or refer to, Animal Behaviour, and in the Animal Planet too that is. That it all, does speak of Wildlife, and in the Hunt, or in speak too of Adaptation in itself, 'Psychological' that is. In many a way too, it too can be simply said that, this Blog, is in all even grounded and in speak of Game Theory in itself, and as said too, to simply speak and of Prayer in itself too, and if not and of simply now truly stating that, there does appear, to be only, one Game, said been played in all, and in regard to all this, and with it all too simply said, the Waiting Game that is.